
Remember the days when the whole community was like family? You could leave on vacation, without locks on your doors, or go in a store leaving your keys in the car, knowing it would still be there when you returned? When you could drive through a strange neighborhood, and the people you passed would wave, or smile & greet you when you met? When 'DIVORCE' was almost unheard of, families knew the true meaning and purpose of love, even through the toughest times?

What happened, and why? This page will take much time to present all the information you'll need, be patient and keep checking back as the information is posted. Upon completion of this page, I will begin a new page which details the proven, most successful cure for many types of abuses, from drug, alcahol, physical, mental, & sexual abuse, not only for the victim, but is the same for the offenders as well, all of which is found in scripture which people commonly pass over, not realizing its relativity, or meaning. Many of the laws are designed to appear as if they are making people safe, but in reality is to prevent anyone from being rehabilitated, or cured, as well as to pave the way for others to fall into the same catagory of becoming a victim or offender, usually both. By design to pass more laws which bypassing the constitution without resistance, but with the people indoctrinated to demand it, enforcement of monioring the people, regulating thier activities & allowed locations, to build the techology of the Big Brother System.

Actually several events occured in order to create the need for government, through laws and legislation, giving the appearance of, protecting you, while actually, removing freedoms, and at the same time, creating more lawlessnessness that supposidly justifies their cause, in order to continue to increase more laws giving them continuity of government, like a cancer, endlessly growing & spreading.
The first major event began with a new movement, designed and funded by the Rockerfellers, for the purpose of breaking up the 'Family' unit. Just as Satan, in the Garden, started with the woman, in Genesis 3, they also began with the woman, by convincing women, their roll in the family was unimportant, or demoralizing. Satan made it appealing for the woman to be like God, it was a reflection of making it appealing for women to be like men, having the same responsibilities as men, and equal authority in family decisions, (irreconcilable differences is the leading excuss for divorce), the family unit was the most feared strong hold against the New World Order. In order to destroy the morals fiber of a nation, to weaken, indoctrinate, and conquer, you must first destroy the sanctity of marriage. A nation of strong morals & family values is impossible to overtake. Creating Womens Liberation, was to divide & conquer; allow taxation of women as well as men; & get the kids in schools to indoctrinate them on how to think; for a good example of their intent, then and still today is in their own web-site that states 'they could perhaps leave home without feeling guilty about leaving their children alone, and that they could receive a job and earn wages just like men', which opened the door for their next attack, understanding the concept of the term we read so often, '
Children are the future'.

The school system, child care services, teen boot camps, & after school outreach programs, now have more time with your children than you, more freedom for the ever growing indoctrination, to which ever one wins the custody battle, or single parent. Over time, it became more of the states right of what your child is taught, or believes, and who has custody, if either parent is allowed that right.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed prayer in school, & the 10 Commandments, the nation has been in steady moral decline. Former Secretary of Education William Bennett revealed in his cultural index's that between 1960 and 1990 divorce doubled, teenage pregnancy went up 200%, teen suicide increased 300%, child abuse reached an all-time high, violent crime went up 500% and abortion increased 1000%. There is a strong correlation between the expulsion of prayer from our schools and the decline in morality.

Not all religions were removed from schools, but for children to be gradually indoctrinated into accepting more government control, and the new world order, the judaeo christianity religion became the main focus of attack. For example; Islam is taught in many grade schools across the nation, with no complaint from the ACLU or athiests, inspite of changing the meaning of the constitution to restrict the teaching of religion. The main religion which is taught by all grade schools, and universities, is 'Evolution' which is the preferred teaching of the Elite, to destroy the morals of society. Kent Hovind who caused so much of a threat to the evolutionist, zeitgeist, and elite by opening many peoples eyes to the facts with debates against evolutionists, at various universities, he made professors appear ignorant, they eventually had to find a way to lock him up on a ten year prison term, to shut him up. Videos of these debates still circulate, you can learn much on this issue in his two videos that deal with & . I don't recommend Glenn Becks videos, as he tries to down play many facts, however, in this video he reveals much more information on the indoctrination of children in schools, than expected,

School Spying On Kids In Their Homes With Secretly Activated Webcams
School Laptops Took Thousands Of Images Of Kids At Home
Texas School Demands Students Submit Intrusive Census

We must consider who created the NEA, and for what purpose to fully understand the indoctrination through education.

Another monumental change, which greatly effected the increase in teen pregnancy polls, divorce, un-wed mothers, single parents, is the change in the 'Age Of Consent'. In the earlier years it was common, by nature for someone to marry around the age of 16, sometimes even as young as 14, which is still the norm in most other countries. The big secret is that the laws didn't change to the intended age of 18 for the purpose of keeping them in schools longer, eugenicists expectations of this lowering the population, by delaying their family life, even suggesting they wait till their 20's or even later to plan on a family of their own. It did however, become embedded as the norm, across the country that 18 is the legal age, which some of the more communistic states did create laws to that effect. Here are the US Age Of Consent laws, and the World Wide Age Of Consent laws, as they stand today. Survey's wouldn't accurately factor in teen pregnancies in those days, since they were termed as adults, and were married, as most of the families would begin. Today they don't marry, but still have the same natural urges, and just fool around usually in secret, with various partners since there is no actual commitment, sex education teaches birth control, or the use of condoms, and even suggest they try abstinence until they are married, even as the unknown time in which they would marry has been extended so far beyond the time in which they had matured. This combined with the ever increasing laws and restrictions on the parents ability to discipline their child, to teach them right from wrong, opened the door for teen boot camps, government controled organizations such as 'Parenting Skills', that promate giving them a 'Time Out' for discipline, and now is considered child abuse if their time out is for more than 2 minutes. Now they even established laws holding the parent responsible, even doing jail time, for anything their kids do wrong, and CPS is ready to take them if you're unable to control them. Your kids are a ward of the state, not your own anymore, you used to have the right to decide if your child went to school or not, if you taught them, or needed to keep them home for something. Try it now and you go to jail. So the intentions of Womens Liberation that says 'the thought that women could perhaps leave home without feeling guilty about leaving their children alone', kinda backfired here.

Jail Time For Mom Whose Kids Played Hooky
California May Jail Parents If Kids Are Truant
Parents Of Truant Kids Can Face Jail Time
CNN Crime: Parents Of Truant Kids Can Face Jail Time

After Movie Starts, Double Click For Full Screen

The mindset established for a person not to be legally an udult until 18, was so effective that the attempt in the 80's to raise the age of consent to 21, and the age to buy alcohol to 24, was also for educational purposes, which seemed to have faded from the media, but with the population having been continually dummed down, even though they are physically an adult at 16, people are no longer mentally mature until 21 or even longer in some cases, & causes conflictions & confusions amoung their decisions & actions, yet they are being taught that they know more & are better educated than their parents. There still remain some who lived in the era where men began working to help support their families as early as 14 years of age, the same jobs as dangerous as men at any age, but notice in todays era, when someone of a young age sets out to do something, such as Abby Sunderland, which turns out unsuccessful, people immediately begin attacking the parents, calling for charges of child endangerment, accusations that they forced her to reach for her dream rather than being supportive of her for reaching for her goals, taking new challanges, and becoming a responsible adult. But if successful, then the media reports it as 'Amazing Kids'

Zac Sunderland

What is shocking are those who feel Abby's parents are guilty of child endangerment, but don't feel the same when it is the government, or schools, in any of these acts.

Upon growing up, having been preped to become a part of the corrupt court system, Prosecutors are very skillful in getting around the constitution at every point, breaking their own laws to secure their case, regardless of whether the defendant is innocent or guilty, they even make threats to the witnesses, for example, if a charge is agaist the husband of a family, they threaten the wife, if she does not testify against her husband, they will charge her with accessory, in spite of the old law that prevents forcing a spouse to testify against their husband or wife. Furthermore will also threarend to take their children from them, as well as ordering the wife to file for divorce, and turn over all letters to the prosecutors office, sent to her, from her husband. I don't have video to prove this specific event, but have witnessed it in person. As well as cases where officers do not read the defendant their rights upon arresting them, which after complaints, from the defendant, will inspire a seargant to come in to tell him, of a ruling by the surpreme court, stating that the miranda rights are common knowledge, and is unnecessary. Defendants who are mental incompetent are the easiest targets, the state psychiatrist can inspite of what the results are in his competency review, states that he is competent. If you have no money for your defense, the public defender, who not only does not defend your rights, but violates them himself, forces you to sign a plea bargin, by verbal force with anger, especially the ones who illegally work for the prosecutors office from time to time. You can file an appeal, and not hear anything, if you ask in open court, if the judge recieved your appeal, he simply states, 'I have recieved it, I read it, and it is denied', end of story, no reason, or mention of any of the details written in it, basically stating, it was filed in the trash can. They no longer wait for your children to grow up, and bypass laws designed to protect children, by trying them as adults, which has rapidly become more common, as well as in execution cases. In the first 9 minutes of this clip, prosecutors confess not only in federal cases of businesses, if you have no money for a defense, it is 'Game Over'.

Other videos in referrence to the corrupt court system, as well as what you should know about CPS.

Now that each generation is indoctrinated to become more corrupt, it is time for them to be fed to the corrupt prison system.

Prison system

3 strikes



This page is still new, much more information to be added. Be sure to keep checking back, to see what's new. Any questions or comments, you can email here.